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In questo articolo di Federnotizie potrete trovare una interessante analisi della procedura da seguire per un acquisto immobiliare negli USA.
L’elevato numero di soggetti coinvolti e la necessità di stipulare apposite polizze assicurative, determina un costo complessivo dell’operazione molto superiore a quello italiano.
EUFides is a shared platform created by the Notaries of Europe. It is a type of secure notarial cloud that makes it easier for European notaries to work together on cross-border files.
EUFides is easy to use. You can manage your files in a few clicks. If you wish, you can also grant access to your colleagues.
Thanks to the European Directory of Notaries, you can quickly find a foreign colleague who speaks your language. You will be able to work together efficiently on cross-border files.
You have access to factsheets on real estate law in the EUFides member countries.
For your comfort, the user interface is available in five languages: English, Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish.
EUFides meets the highest security standards. We guarantee absolute confidentiality for your files.
The EUFides platform is governed by an international non-profit association under Belgian law (AISBL), the founding members of which are the Belgian, French, Italian, Luxembourg and Spanish notariats. The platform is currently available for use by notaries from these countries. However, these notaries can invite a civil law notary from another European country to work on a file.
A username and password issued by the national notarial authorities provide access to the platform. Only practicing notaries can have access to this service.
Contact your national notarial authority to obtain your EUFides username and password. Registration is free until 31 December 2015.
Conseil Supérieur du Notariat:
Fédération Royale du Notariat belge: /
Chambre des Notaires du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg:
Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato:
Consejo General del Notariado: